I go to Starbucks for the hot chocolate.

I'm sitting next to a boy right now who has been sniffling his nose, snorting through his nose, for the past 5 minutes. As I said in my previous post, "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog" -- The quote is still ringing true.
It is January and I'm not supposed to be here on campus. However, because of the strike that happened in NYC right before Xmas, two of my finals were rescheduled, and here I am today. It's not that bad, not really, but the commute is almost two hours long...and now that it's getting colder, waiting for the bus for 20 minutes is not something I really look forward to.
But I'm being a whiner right now. I will, or should, be graduating by the end of this year (woo hoo!) And then I will ...::gulp::...be an adult. I mean, a real adult - After 23 years of life I will no longer be classified as a student. That's big, I think.
I think the only people who read my blog are the new people I have found on Pete Townshend's own blog, The Boy Who Heard Music. All of them seem a lot of fun, and hopefully I'll get to meet some of them in the summer at a Who show or two. --- But really, who am I kidding? I'm afraid I won't even get through on Ticketmaster when the tickets go on sale, and more importantly, I'm realizing ticket prices for good seats are definitely not going to come cheap. Well, I will figure something out! Never did I think I would fall in love with a band so quickly, and I feel like if I miss out on seeing them this year I won't ever get an opportunity to. Who knows when they'll go on tour after this.

Anyway, I'm typing here just for the sake of writing, but I guess I should head for the subway now. Meh.
Actually the more people I meet the more I wish I were a dog...
So I can bite them!
Hey John. Tried to IM you, but you signed off. :o(
I was thinking anything off-topic...I wasn't trying to set any guidelines...just basically whatever came up. Maybe people from his blog will be up for that sometime.
Starbucks drip coffee, plain old drip coffee, but it is soooo good with a little half n half, if I'm a really bad boy, well I'll tuck into one of those slices of Lemon Loaf.. Is this a great country or what?
Thanks for such kind comments on my blog. You sound like you know how to have a good time and that one of the main ingredients is lots of awesome music!
Hi Sarah,
Just wanted to welcome you to a lifetime crush on Pete. I've had one for about 30 years. Yup, happily married. Have had many exciting "real" loves, but my "crush", has never gone away. Just part of the fabric of my soul.
Good luck to you with your intership. So exciting.
I know how you feel about the tickets. I am so looking forward to the shows, I would hate to think that I might not get decent seats or seats at all!!!
Well, we have to have faith in something bigger.
Hi there Sarah,
Starbucks is a funny place isn't it? Wherever you go in the world, you can find a Starbucks. Same as McDonalds. Can't say I mind, though, as a coffee addict. They got damn good coffee :-)
About the tickets to the forthcoming Who shows: I'm going to be trying to get them for London, and am equally worried about Ticketmaster. It tends to crash whenever there's an event with big demand. Luckily I know a couple of local London outlets that usually have a certain amount of tickets. I managed to secure tickets for U2 in one of them last summer (and those sold out in a flash).
I don't know what the situation in the US is but it might be a good idea for you to look up those yourself: once you decide which show you're going to go to, try and find out if there are any local ticket outlets in the city (not related to Ticketmaster). They might carry a small amount.
Hi Sarah, Rutherford. Cool beans! Great downtown with the train station & everything.
I've got too many blogs I'm afraid. I have to see if I can condense them into 2 or 3 somehow.
The Robert Wellmont Theater. Is that the one on Bloomfield Ave that shows esoteric movies? If so I like that one alot! AMC in Clifton is a madhouse I hear.
Montclair is a pretty happening town with lots of cool shops, etc... There's a neat music store RockTech on Bloomfield Ave that I frequent. I've bought a few vintage instruments there. Check it out if you get a chance.
Looking forward to seeing The Who again in this year! Don't worry about getting tickets. If there's a will there's a way.
My e-mail is STATIC2010@aol.com
Thanks for stopping by! Ed
>If Kanye is in the same boat, rapping about things he has no experience in, ....well I don't know, I don't listen to him, so it doesn't bother me either way.
Hi, Sarah, and thanks for the comment on my blog. I think Kanye speaks to a certain group of fans and his rap must be representative, as he's currently very popular. However, his meteoric rise has provoked a bit of comment.
About Mayer, I still think the problem is that he has no feel for the blues. If he did, then there wouldn't be any question about his background. When have you heard anyone complain about Jonny Lang, for example? He's another young, white, well-to-do blues player, but he's got a real feel for it, so the old black guys pick him up and take him on tour.
Just ready! thats all. Been pushed around,That aint my bag. Spent time with a girl that was to be one, with me. That was a farce,She's gone. I never stopped loving her. I guess I'm the fool..
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Hey Sarah,
I've heard you several times express concern about being able to get tickets to the Who shows this coming summer. I have seen them the last few times out -- in 2000, 2002, and 2004 -- and it is rare that a show sells out in an instant like, say, U2 might. Yes, good seats will be expensive. Yes, Ticketmaster is an unfortunate reality. But if you have a credit card and a computer, you'll get something!
And, after seeing them six times (first time in 1979), I can tell you there's nothing like it.
Now go to sleep!
- Chris
'Know what you mean...
I am only38 I've seen'THE WHO' Or a derivative there of 20 or more times. Do It! Just like masterbating is too much ever enough?
haha...yeah, I've seen DMB twice as much as you've seen The Who (and then some)...I know what you mean.
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