Leaving London...
The Hyde Park show was great! Casbah Club rocked...it was so good to finally see them. The Who put on an amazing show - Roger's voice is sounding great, and it was cool to see Pete perform Drowned. Despite the heat, yesterday was such a great day. Met some people from the blogs (Yolanda, Marietta, John - Hi!) and had a really fun time. I cannot believe I got so close for The Who...I never expected that at all, so that was nice. Can't wait for the USA dates! ♥
I hope everyone else has a great time at their shows this summer!
It was nice to meet you on Sunday, albeit very briefly.
Pleased to hear you had a great time and you got front row for The Who, it's a great experience and eveyone should do it at least once :-)
Have a safe trip home.
Very cool!
Glad you had fun - right up front!
I hope I get to see them up close too.
You didn't enjoy London though???
I was never bored when I was there!
Be well,
Sue D.xx
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