
I'm feeling so crappy lately...not crappy like sick (although I was last week) or depressed or anything like that....but maybe just disappointed in myself. I don't want to do anything anymore! At all! I get like this every year with school....but it seems every semester this "not wanting to go to classes" attitude starts earlier and earlier. I think this semester I started bailing in mid-February...particularly with my Chemistry class. But Chemistry...in college? Come on, that's rubbish. I'm worried though, it's not just school anymore, it's basically everything. I don't even feel like going to my internship lately, even though I love it, because I loathe the commute into the city. I just feel like I'm doing the same thing everyday, seeing the same things everyday, and I'm tired of it. I want to start the next part of my life already. I want to graduate college. I want to go to Europe. I want to meet new people. I'm...bored.
Last night I dropped one of my classes. It was a TV class that normally would be interesting and even entertaining, not to mention an easy A. But...I was messing myself up in the class. I never went. The professor I was supposed to have got a writing job in Hollywood and so there he went. I was stuck with a new professor who didn't know what he was doing, and a class full of morons. I'm sorry, that's harsh - I'm in a mood. But really, the class was terrible. Still, I should have been going to it.
So basically, at this point in time I think I pretty much suck at life. No, no - really. I'm the laziest person I know, and I keep thinking when the good stuff starts happening in my life that I'll change. But...I have to change to make the good stuff start happening! I'm 23 but I still feel like a kid a lot of the time. Maybe it's just because I'm still in college and I still live with my mom. A big part of me can't wait to move out, but then the other (childish) part doesn't want to do that because that means I'll have to get a job -- and it would probably end up beig a job I hated. A 9-5, never have time for myself, terrible boss, boring job. Wake up me, time to face reality. I guess I can't get to that next part of my life if I'm avoiding to make the jump.
And also, days are just going by too fast. I feel like as soon as I wake up I'm going to sleep already. Hate that. I think once this semester is over and summer comes, and my vacation comes...then I'll be a much happier camper. (But when fall comes, I'll be just as lazy all over again. Blah.)
Anyway, I'm just frustrated and needed to rant. :o/
"So basically, at this point in time I think I pretty much suck at life."
So not true Sarah. You're just going through a 'phase' that most of us experience at one time or another. I understand your frustrations very well. Living in the metro-area can be quite daunting. College isn't easy also.
Living with your mom is not uncommon these days. Rents are out of control & more people live home than ever before. It's more a matter of economics than maturity I believe.
Be good to yourself! You're a wonderfull person with so much to offer this world.
Think Positive. Be Happy. Be True To Yourself.
Relinquish your fears to the void.
Your Friend, Ed
yeah really!!! Who's gonna do VH1's 'Behind The Music-The Rumble Strips' huh Sarah? LOL
Sarah Beth....prettiest eyes in all of Blogville!
Dear Sarah Beth!!
Thanks so much for all your kindness, I'm so excited you are going to the UK. I promise to give you a list of all the best and cheapest places to stay. Earl's Court is just so fun and weasy to stay for starters and if you have a laptop you will definitely want Skpe which allows you to make nearly free phone calls.
For fun you will definitely want to go to Highgate Cemetary, British Museum and have high Tea at The Savoy. Anyway I couild go on for ages!! So let me just say any advice you need on the Uk and I'll be there.
With Love,
no prob sarah! nice chatting with you.
I didn't read your entire post, but I will later ok?
Hope you are feeling better. Life can be tricky sometimes. Thank God for music, that's what I say.
Hi Sarah Beth,
Oh no, I know that feeling only too well. The new academic year always starts off so positively, a new start and all, then over the year it just all goes down hill. Try and stick with it though Sarah Beth, I'm speaking from experience, I dropped out just before I'd finished my course and I could kick myself now, I really could. My excuse at the time was that I wanted to move out of home, but once you've made that move it's so much more difficult to get back to education, in this country anyway, it's just too expensive. Patience is the key, you'll get plenty of time to do all the things you're longing to do and the world will be open much wider to you if you have a good education. Sorry, I'm sure you well aware of all this anyhow but if I could turn the clock back it's one thing I'd do differently and I felt compelled comment.
Hold in there, not long till the summer and you'll enjoy it all the more if you've done what needs to be done. Best Wishes!
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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